improve the quality of Air

Air quality is something of a paramount nature for one simple fact it is how we get the very oxygen we need to stay alive. In simple words, it’s our lifeline.

It is also a well-known fact that the quality of air has vastly deteriorated over the last 100 years or so. To be specific, since the Industrial Revolution, there have been more and more sources of air pollution than ever before.

And the outcome of that is frightening!

With 7 million people dying every year due to bad air, air pollution has been one of the greatest challenges to human health.

It is also one of the key contributors to a number of chronic and non-curable diseases including cancer. This is why it has been classified as a  major human carcinogen.

Aside from our well-being, air quality plays a major role in shifting the seasons, affecting the climate, and vice versa. This makes it of utmost importance to improve the quality of air while we can.

The good news is, that air quality can be improved in simpler ways than you might think. 

How to improve the quality of air?

To be able to improve the quality of air, we need to first understand the sources of air pollution, which, although many, can generally be categorized into two categories- natural and man-made.

Man-made sources of air pollution include:

  1. Indoor or household appliances and burning of fossil fuels for cooking, heating, etc.
  2. Ambient or outdoor air pollution is caused by motor vehicles, the power sector, technological advancements, the industrial complex, chemical waste, and so on.

Natural sources of air pollution, on the other hand, consist of wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and decomposing organic matter.

Now, while the latter is something we cannot manage; man-made sources of air pollution, we certainly can.

Here are some tips:

Be smart and drive less

Motor vehicles and road transportation are some of the biggest causes of outdoor air pollution. Better known as TRAP or Traffic-Related Air Pollution, it is a mixture of toxic greenhouse gases, harmful chemicals, and particulate matter that gets released into the air making it unbreathable and dangerous. Greenhouse gases also cause climate change.

Being highly risky for both human health as well as the environment makes it important to limit the use of motor vehicles.

Keep your car serviced and maintained

As important as it is to drive less or when needed, it is equally important to keep your vehicle in tip-top shape.

A car that is well maintained and regularly serviced emits fewer pollutants into the air and consumes fuel more efficiently compared to vehicles that do not get timely service.

So make sure to have your car checked and serviced on a regular basis.

Walk or use a bicycle to reach nearby places

Another simple exercise that you can do to minimize your contribution to air pollution is to avoid using motorbikes and cars for nearby destinations.

For instance, if your home and other public amenities lie in close distance to each other then it’s better to walk or ride a bicycle.

Aside from being a non-pollutant, it also helps you stay fit.

Share a ride

Sharing a ride with co-workers and using public transportation can actually help you save money while reducing air pollution.

It also helps the extent of traffic caused by more vehicles on the road at once.

Fortunately, there are dozens of modes of transportation that you can use to commute within a city. For instance, Uber!

Don’t burn your garbage and limit your bonfires

Contrary to popular belief, indoor household pollution is way more dangerous than outdoor air pollution. To put that in perspective, about 4 million premature deaths are caused annually by indoor air pollution only.

Apart from that, it is a source of a number of diseases in children and young and old people alike.

To reduce the impact of indoor pollution, it is, therefore, necessary to rely less on fossil fuels and more on eco-friendly appliances.

Limiting the use of indoor fires, be it for garbage or barbecue, can also help big time in decreasing the air pollution caused by indoor activities.


Using recycled products can also make a big difference in the overall impact of air pollution on the environment.

Since manufacturing new products takes more energy and resources, it naturally emits more pollution in the process.

Recycled items on the other hand that have already been procured do not involve the cost of mining and transporting, thus leaving zero carbon footprint on nature.

Go green and organic

Synthetic and artificial products contain high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM) that easily vaporize into the atmosphere and disrupt the quality of air.

The solution is to use organic products and green technologies that are eco-friendly and do not harm nature whatsoever.

Switch to electric or manual tools

Another multi-beneficial step that you can take to improve the quality of air is by switching to manual or hand-powered tools that do not require any fuel or gas to function.

A- It saves fuel, energy, and money.

B- It gives you a way to perform physical activity.

Plant trees and grow your own food

Perhaps the greatest thing that you can do to “save the environment” is to grow your own food. Being self-reliant in this could not only help you cut the cost of procuring food but would also help reduce the pollution caused by the food industry.

Needless to say, planting trees is the best way to reduce air pollution and protect the environment.

Buy energy star appliances 

Energy Star-certified appliances and gadgets are known for consuming less energy while giving better output. So make sure that your next purchase is energy-efficient.

Check your HVAC system

Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning collectively known as HVAC system emits a lot more pollution into the air than you might think especially when they are not clean and maintained properly.

Ensuring a regular check every now and then helps eradicate the pollution caused by HVAC systems.

Use electronic gadgets carefully

Like it or not, every time you use your smartphone, laptop, or wearables like a smartwatch, it leaves a carbon footprint meaning it releases carbon into the air.

Besides, manufacturing LED batteries and many other tiny components used in smart devices, causes a lot of pollution.

So try to minimize their use.

Say no to smoking and fireworks

Indoor smoking is one of the main factors that degrade the air quality of your home while also impacting your lungs negatively.

The same goes for fireworks and pyrotechnics that are vastly used in family functions, inaugurations, ceremonies, and major public events.

By saying no to smoking and bursting crackers, you can make a massive contribution to improving the quality of breathable air.

Boycott brands and technologies that are harmful to nature

One of the major reasons why multinational brands and tech giants are able to misuse the gifts of nature is our very own ignorance.

Since most people are unaware of the malpractices and corruption involved in the process, many selfish and profit-oriented companies end up causing more pollution with no heed to nature.

Therefore, it’s the responsibility of every consumer and individual to boycott such brands that are anti-nature regardless of what they offer.

Save money by being energy efficient

As clearly visible, many of the ways that we mentioned above not only help in improving the quality of air but also help in saving a lot of bucks in utility bills, repairs, and so on.

Plus it also gives you an effective way to stay fit and healthy. Apart from that, it plays an essential role in keeping our environment safe and sustainable for a long.

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By Nandini R

An avid nature enthusiast and devoted mother, Nandini is driven by a deep love for the environment and a determination to safeguard it for future generations. Her writing reflects her passion for nature's wonders and her unwavering commitment to promoting environmental awareness and conservation.